GNG.PD.022 Requirements audit documents V3.1 March 2024

Modified on Thu, 14 Mar at 6:33 PM

Overview codes audit documents practitioners

PF.001 Online application form (initial) 

PF.002 Online registration form (additional) main- & sub-scopes

PF.003 Online registration form (additional) scopes, sub-types 

PF.010 Statement of good standing & reputation - police clearance – no criminal record

PF.011 Recommendation letters

PF.012 Reference letters

PF.020 Proof of general prior education

PF.021 Proof of scope relevant professional training(s) 

PF.022 Proof of scope relevant specialization training(s) 

PF.023 Proof of scope relevant knowledge audit(s) – theory exam(s) 

PF.024 Skills audit(s) – proficiency/practice exam(s) 

PF.025 Proof of other memberships, registrations, recognitions, certifications

PF.026 Proof of assignment of a mentor

PF.027 Proof of sector/branch experience

PF.030 Curriculum vitae

PF.040 Limitation liability risks (public indemnity insurance) 

PF.050 Proof of scope- process- procedure audit(s) 

PF.051 Proof office/practice location

PF.060 Initial- or recertification associate to full level 

PF.061 Initial- or recertification associate to full level experience period

PF.062 Initial- or recertification associate to full level number client assignments

PF.063 Initial- or recertification associate to full level CPD points

PF.070 Recertification full level 

PF.071 Recertification full level CPD points

PF.072 Recertification full level CPD number client assignments 

PF.073 Recertification full level CPD processes & procedures

PF.074 Recertification full level peer-review

PF.100 Conformity decision

PF.101 Notification audit file fully completed

PF.102 Notification audit file conditionally completed

PF.200 Certificate or inspection report 

PF.250 Proof of payment 

PF.300 Cancellation notification

PF.301 Suspension notification

PF.302 Revocation notification

Overview audit documents companies – organizations – programs - exams

CF.001 Online form application form

CF.002 Proof of official registration of a company

CF.025 Proof of other memberships, registrations, recognitions, certifications 

CF.050 Proof of scope- process- procedure audit(s) 

CF.060 Company document: terms & conditions

CF.061 Company document: service contract 

CF.070 Work document: template settlement contract 

CF.071 Work document: template sale & purchase contract 

CF.072 Work document: template inspection report 

CF.073 Work document: template appraisal report 

CF.074 Work document: escrow management procedures

CF.100 Conformity decision

CF.101 Notification audit file fully completed

CF.102 Notification audit file conditionally completed

CF.200 Certificates

CF.250 Proof of payment 

CF.300 Cancellation notification

CF.301 Suspension notificatio

CF.302 Revocation notification


  Audit documents practitioners


PF.001 Online application form (initial)

Performance indicator

  • Completed and uploaded application form

 Allowed evidence

  • Online application form 

= document FO.PF.001 Application form persons

 PF.002 Online registration form (additional) main- & sub-scopes

Performance indicator

  • Completed and uploaded application form

Allowed evidence

  • Online application form 

= document FO.PF.002 Application form (additional) main- & scopes


PF.003 Online registration form (additional) scopes, sub-types

Performance indicator

  • Completed and uploaded application form
  • Self-adding via account dashboard

Allowed evidence

  • Self-adding via account dashboard
  • Online application form 

= document FO.PF.003 Application form (additional) sub-types


 PF.010 Statement of good standing & reputation - police clearance – no criminal record

Performance indicator

  • Declaration no criminal record or police clearance, not older than three calendar months calculated against the application date, issued by a national judicial authority within the country of residence or location, or a set of PF.010 statements proving the good standing & reputation. 

Allowed evidence

  • Belgium: declaration of good standing (verklaring van goede zeden) or declaration of no-criminal record (verklaring strafregister)
  • Germany: declaration of no-criminal record (Führungszeugnis)
  • Netherlands: declaration of good standing (verklaring omtrent gedrag), 
    • ADR Register + EMCI Register = screening profile 55 or similar
    • ICR Coach Register = screening profile 45 or 55 or similar, depending on the applicable certification scope
  • United Kingdom: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check)
  • Other countries:
    • Or: Police clearance certificate or declaration no-criminal record
    • Or: Declaration by a national or local government authority/department
    • Or: Written personal statement signed as a witness by a (sworn/official) commissioner of oaths
    • Or: Five declarations, confirming the good name and reputation and at the same time a declaration of no objection to the candidate, 

not issued by family, employer (s) or other interested parties, at the discretion of Global Network Group.

  • = form GNG.FO.PF.010 Statement good standing & reputation 

This option is permitted if it is certain or likely that:

  • other means of prove cannot be applied
  • the practitioner is situated outside the EU 
  • the practitioner is situated in a country that scores <80 on the ‘Global Transparency List - Global Corruption Perceptions Index’ published by Transparency International (

 PF.011 Recommendation letters

Performance indicator

  • Two general recommendation letters in which the author states to support the request for the certification against the associate level and that he/she knows the candidate.

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Form GNG.FO.PF.011 Letter of recommendation (preferred option)
  • Or: Equal document 

Further guidelines

  • not issued by family, colleagues within the same legal entity, employers, or other interested parties and direct managers
  • however, allowed: trainers, fellow course participants in basic training or representatives of the training provider
  • the document must be verifiable (at least: address, telephone or email must be presented) 


PF.012 Reference letters

Performance indicator

  • Two reference letters indicating that the writers thereof are/were clients of the practitioner. Letters should support the admission for the full certification.

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Form GNG.FO.PF.012 Letter of reference (preferred option)
  • Or: Letter issued by (former) clients, 

Further guidelines

  • not being family, colleagues within the same legal entity, employers, or other interested parties and direct managers
  • the letter must be verifiable (at least: address, telephone or email must be presented)  

PF.020 Proof of general prior education    

Performance indicator

  • General prior education on EQF level or a knowledge- work- experience level comparable to the EQF standard.

Allowed evidence

  • Or: copy of a certificate, diploma, or similar document
  • Or: form PF.020.1 statement practitioner + 2x PF.020.2 supporting statement 
  • Or: a similar document for the assessment of the Global Network Group  

Further guidelines

  • See the specific certification scheme or audit document for the applicable EQF level

PF.021 Proof of scope relevant professional training(s)

Performance indicator

  • Completed scope qualifying professional training 

or proof of similar knowledge- work- experience  level

or proof of gained experience and competencies

Allowed evidence

  • Or: a copy of a certificate, diploma, or similar document
  • Or: evaluation and statement issued by the training provider or auditor
  • Or: for assessment of  Global Network Group:
    1. Exemption based on:
      • other certifications, recognitions, or memberships
      • prior experience and competencies
      • similar knowledge-, work- experience level

Further guidelines

  • See the specific certification scheme or audit document for an overview of the requirements for professional training programs
  • See the websites of the registers for an overview of accredited training providers and recognized training programs
  • PF.021 training programs qualify for certification against man- and sub scopes
  • A practitioner's initial PF.021 training program does not qualify for the CPD requirements
  • Other- and follow-on PF.021 training programs of a practitioner qualify for the CPD requirements


 PF.022 Proof of scope relevant specialization training(s)

Performance indicator

  • Completed scope qualifying specialization training 

or proof of similar knowledge- work- experience  level

or proof of gained experience and competencies

Allowed evidence

  • Or: a copy of a certificate, diploma, or similar document
  • Or: evaluation and statement issued by the training provider or auditor
  • Or: for assessment of  Global Network Group:
    1. Exemption based on:
      • other certifications, recognitions, or memberships
      • prior experience and competencies
      • similar knowledge-, work- experience level

Further guidelines

  • See the specific certification scheme or audit document for an overview of the requirements for specialization training programs
  • See the websites of the registers for an overview of accredited training providers and recognized training programs
  • A PF.022 training program combined with a PF.021 training program qualifies for certification against main- and sub scopes
  • At the discretion of Global Network Group or the sub scope owner, a PF.022 training program may qualify for certification against a main- and sub scope, and a sub type. 
  • A practitioner's initial PF.022 training program does not qualify for CPD requirements.
  • Other- and follow-on PF.022 training programs of a practitioner qualify for CPD requirements


PF.023 Proof of scope relevant knowledge audit(s) – theory exam(s)

Performance indicator

  • Completed scope qualifying knowledge audit 

or proof of similar knowledge- work- experience  level

or proof of gained experience and competencies

Allowed evidence

  • Or: a copy of a certificate, diploma, or similar document
  • Or: evaluation and statement issued by the exam provider or the accredited training / exam provider or the auditor
  • Or: for assessment of Global Network Group:
    1. Exemption based on:
      • other certifications, recognitions, or memberships
      • prior experience and competencies
      • similar knowledge-, work- experience level

Further guidelines

  • See the specific certification scheme of audit document for an overview of the knowledge audit programs
  • See the websites of the registers for an overview of accredited exam- and training providers and recognized exams
  • A practitioner's initial PF.023 exam does not qualify for CPD requirements.
  • Other- and follow-on PF.023 exams of a practitioner qualify for CPD requirements


PF.024 Skills audit(s) – proficiency/practice exam(s)

Performance indicator

  • Completed scope qualifying skills audit 

or proof of similar knowledge- work- experience  level

or proof of gained experience and competencies

Allowed evidence

  • Or: a copy of a certificate, diploma, or similar document
  • Or: evaluation and statement issued by the exam provider or the accredited training / exam provider or the auditor
  • Or: for assessment of  Global Network Group:
    1. Exemption based on:
      • other certifications, recognitions, or memberships
      • prior experience and competencies
      • similar knowledge-, work- experience level

Further guidelines

  • See the specific certification scheme of audit document for an overview of the skills audit programs
  • See the websites of the registers for an overview of accredited exam- and training providers and recognized exams
  • A practitioner's initial PF.024 exam does not qualify for CPD requirements.
  • Other- and follow-on PF.024 exams of a practitioner qualify for CPD requirements

PF.025 Proof of other memberships, registrations, recognitions, certifications

Performance indicator

  • Demonstrably former or valid memberships, certifications, registrations, recognitions

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Authentic/copy document/statement issued by the applicable legal entity
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


PF.026 Proof of appointment of a mentor

Performance indicator

  • Demonstrably mentor assignment

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Assignment document
  • Or: Confirmation document
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 

PF.027 Proof of sector/branch experience

Performance indicator

  • Demonstrably sector/branch experience

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Curriculum vitae
  • Or: Witness statements
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


PF.030 Curriculum vitae

Performance indicator

  • General curriculum vitae

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Curriculum vitae
  • Or: Copy LinkedIn profile
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


PF.040 Limitation liability risks (public indemnity insurance)

Performance indicator

  • Or: valid company and professional liability insurance
  • Or: deposit procedure for the assessment of Global Network Group
  • Or: documented liability limitation procedure for the assessment of Global Network Group
  • Or: comparable solution/policies for assessment of Global Network Group 

        Allowed evidence

  • Copy liability policy
  • Copy deposit procedure
  • Copy documented liability limitation procedure
  • Comparable policies for assessment of Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


An exemption for document PF.040 is granted:

  • If the practitioner is based outside the EU
  • If within the country where the practitioner is based the allowed evidence options:
    • Do not exist, 
    • Is not common or can only be purchased at non-market related rates and conditions, such for the assessment of Global Network Group
  • If the practitioner is based in a country with a score of <80 on the ‘Global Transparency List - Global Corruption Perceptions Index’ published by Transparency International (


It has been found that such insurance often does not exist in these countries or can only be purchased under unfeasible conditions.


PF.050 Proof of scope- process- procedure audit(s)

Performance indicator

  • Audit result scope- process- procedure audit

Allowed evidence

  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by another audit- of certification body
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group

PF.051 Proof office/practice location

Performance indicator

  • The location must be available, suitable, and appropriate
  • The location is:
    • Owned or rented
    • Is suitable for its intended professional usage
    • Is separated from private- and personal areas within the building
    • Has a waiting facility
    • Has a cliënt toilet

Allowed evidence

  • Formulier GNG.PF.051
  • Photo- and video evidence
  • Lease/rental agreement
  • Cliënt references
  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by other audit and certification bodies
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


 PF.060 Initial- or recertification associate to full level

Performance indicator

  • Valid initial- or recertification

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Audit Global Network Group
  • Or: Authentic/copy document/statement issued by the authorized organization
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


PF.061 Initial- or recertification associate to full level experience period

Performance indicator

  • Personal statement in which it is officially declared that the stated experience requirements are met.

Allowed evidence

  • Or: form GNG.PF.061 (preferred option)
  • Or: statement issued by the practitioner
  • Or: similar document for the assessment of Global Network Group


Experience period

  • The experience period is measured in calendar years. 
  • The evidence consists of 1 or more of the following means of evidence :
    • Other certifications, memberships or registrations
    • Curriculum vitae + proof of evidence
    • Chamber of commerce
    • Declarations from individuals or organisations
    • Declaration by Employer
    • Other evidence for the assessment of Global Network Group

 PF.062 Initial- or recertification associate to full level number client assignments

Performance indicator

  • Personal statement in which it is officially declared that the stated experience requirements are met.

Allowed evidence

  • Or: form GNG.PF.062 (preferred option)
  • Or: statement issued by the practitioner
  • Or: similar certification for the assessment of Global Network Group


Client assignments

  • The client assignments are measured in numbers, turnover, or hours.
  • The evidence consists of 1 or more of the following means of evidence:
    • Client reference statements
    • Overview of client files or invoice numbers
    • Overview of client names linked to client- or invoice numbers
    • Statement issued by an accountant, advocate, auditor, barrister, bookkeeper, mentor, notary, solicitor
    • Showing files at location or remote
    • Other evidence for the assessment of Global Network Group


 PF.063 Initial- or recertification associate to full level CPD points

Performance indicator

  • CPD points overview
  • Document AD.004 CPD requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document GNG.PD.015 Rules for CPD

Allowed evidence

  • Form GNG.PF.063-071 CPD points
  • Overview issued by the practitioner, certified company/organization, accredited training provider, another certification body, official branch-, sector- or professional body
  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by other audit- of certification bodies
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group

PF.070 Recertification full level

Performance indicator

  • Valid initial- or recertification

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Audit Global Network Group
  • Or: Authentic/copy document/statement issued by the authorized organization
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


 PF.071 Recertification full level CPD points

Performance indicator

  • CPD points overview
  • Document AD.004 CPD requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document GNG.PD.015 Rules for CPD

Allowed evidence

  • Form GNG.PF.063-071 CPD points
  • Overview issued by the practitioner, certified company/organization, accredited training provider, another certification body, official branch-, sector- or professional body
  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by other audit- of certification bodies
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.072 Recertification full level CPD number client assignments

Performance indicator

  • CPD assignments overview
  • Document AD.004 CPD requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document PD.003 Scope-, process- and procedure requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document GNG.PD.015 Rules for CPD

Allowed evidence

  • Form GNG.PF.072 CPD client assignments
  • Overview issued by the practitioner, certified company/organization, accredited training provider, another certification body, official branch-, sector- or professional body
  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by another audit- of certification bodies
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


 PF.073 Recertification full level CPD processes & procedures

Performance indicator

  • Document AD.004 CPD requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document PD.002 Code of conduct (view the applicable register)
  • Document PD.003 Scope-, process- and procedure requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document GNG.PD.015 Rules for CPD

Allowed evidence

  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by another audit- of certification bodies
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group



  • The practitioner hands over a list of client-, file- or invoice numbers.
  • ADR Register selects at least two files.
  • These files will be audited remotely or at location.


 PF.074 Recertification full level peer-review

        Performance indicator

  • Document AD.004 CPD requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document PD.002 Code of conduct (view the applicable register)
  • Document PD.003 Scope-, process- and procedure requirements (view the applicable register)
  • Document GNG.PD.015 Rules for CPD

Allowed evidence

  • Audit result established by the peer review auditor
  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by another audit- of certification bodies
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group



  • The peer-review replaces the documents PF.071, PF.072, and PF.073.

PF.100 Conformity decision

Performance indicator

  • The auditee meets the requirements, full, or conditionally.

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.101 Notification audit file fully completed

Performance indicator

  • The audit file is fully completed

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.102 Notification audit file conditionally completed

Performance indicator

  • The audit file is conditionally completed

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.200 Certificate or inspection report

Performance indicator

  • Signed document

Allowed evidence

  • Issued and signed document
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


  • The application form is leading for what must be included on the document.
  • Official names will be published (source: PF.010 or copy identification document)



  • The application form is leading for what appears on the certificate.
  • Official names are used (source: PF.010 or copy of identification document).

Certification period

  • 5 consecutive full calendar years + the 1st interupted year
  • Interrupted years do not count. The 1st interupted year is the bonus year.
  • At the associate level, the period may be shortened if the certificate holder sooner meets the conversion requirements and advances recertification.
  • Recertification: If the auditor or peer reviewer reports a finding, a solution period is established. The solution period is a maximum of 1 calendar year. To the discretion of Global Network Group, the profile(s) remain active and visible, or may be suspended. 

 PF.250 Proof of payment

Performance indicator

  • Proof of payment

Allowed evidence

  • Proof of payment issued by a bank
  • Statement of account of Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group

PF.300 Cancellation notification

Performance indicator

  • Cancellation notification done by the practitioner

Allowed evidence

  • Letter, email, notification over social media, sms, WhatsApp
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.301 Suspension notification

Performance indicator

  • Suspension notification to the practitioner

Allowed evidence

  • Suspension notification issued by Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


PF.302 Revocation notification

Performance indicator

  • Revocation notification to the practitioner

Allowed evidence

  • Revocation notification issued by Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Audit documents companies – organizations – programs - exams


CF.001 Online form application form

Performance indicator

  • Completed and uploaded online form

Allowed evidence

  • Online form 

= form GNG.CF.001 Application form

 CF.002 Proof of official registration of a company

Performance indicator

  • Official registration document

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Copy valid / current registration official registration register companies, such as Chamber of Commerce (Nederland), crossroads bank enterprises (Belgium), Companies Houser (United Kingdom), CIPC (South Africa), not older dan three (3) months, calculated against the application date
  • Or: Founding Act
  • Or: Statutes
  • Or: Declaration from an accountant, lawyer/solicitor, court, or international- national- regional- local authority
  • Or: other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.025 Proof of other memberships, registrations, recognitions, certifications

Performance indicator

  • Demonstrably former or valid memberships, certifications, registrations, recognitions

Allowed evidence

  • Or: Authentic/copy document/statement issued by the applicable legal entity
  • Or: Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group 


 CF.050 Proof of scope- process- procedure audit(s)

Performance indicator

  • Audit result scope- process- procedure audit

Allowed evidence

  • Audit result established by Global Network Group
  • Audit result established by other audit and certification bodies
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


 CF.060 Company document: terms & conditions

Performance indicator

  • Copy terms & conditions

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory


CF.061 Company document: service contract

Performance indicator

  • Copy service contract

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory
  • Service contract = service agreement = service confirmation
  • If only maritime broker: brokerage contract allowed
  • If only mediator: mediation contract allowed


 CF.070 Work document: template settlement contract

Performance indicator

  • Copy template settlement contract

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory
  • Settlement contract = settlement agreement = settlement confirmation
  • The certificate holder is not a signed party to this agreement. Only signing or initialing for formatting and seen is permitted.


CF.071 Work document: template sale & purchase contract

Performance indicator

  • Copy template sale & purchase contract

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory
  • Sale & purchase contract = sale & purchase agreement = sale & purchase confirmation
  • The certificate holder is not a signed party to this agreement. Only signing or initialing to for formatting and seen is permitted.


 CF.072 Work document: template inspection report

Performance indicator

  • Copy template inspection report

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory
  • Combi with CF.073 allowed


CF.073 Work document: template appraisal report

Performance indicator

  • Copy template appraisal report

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • Compliance with PD.002 (code of conduct) and PD.003 (scope-process-procedure requirements) is compulsory
  • Combi with CF.072 allowed


 CF.074 Work document: escrow management procedures

Performance indicator

  • Document escrow handling procedures

Allowed evidence

  • Copy document
  • Ander documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


Further guidelines:

  • The procedure may include a provision that the parties waive the use of a qualified escrow-account and that this is evidenced by a written agreement including signature. The agreement may be part of the purchase and sale agreement or settlement agreement.


 CF.100 Conformity decision

Performance indicator

  • The auditee meets the requirements, full or conditionally

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.101 Notification audit file fully completed

Performance indicator

  • The audit file is fully completed

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.102 Notification audit file conditionally completed

Performance indicator

  • The audit file is conditionally completed

Allowed evidence

  • Audit file
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.200 Certificates

Performance indicator

  • Signed certificate

Allowed evidence

  • Issued and signed certificate
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.250 Proof of payment

Performance indicator

  • Proof of payment

Allowed evidence

  • Proof of payment issued by a bank
  • Statement of account of Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


 CF.300 Cancellation notification

Performance indicator

  • Cancellation notification done by the entity

Allowed evidence

  • Letter, email, notification over social media, sms, WhatsApp
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.301 Suspension notification

Performance indicator

  • Suspension notification to the entity

Allowed evidence

  • Suspension notification issued by Global Network Group
  • Other documents for the assessment of Global Network Group


CF.302 Revocation notification

Performance indicator

  • Revocation notification to the entity

Allowed evidence

  • Revocation notification issued by Global Network Group

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